Category Archives: Earn Money Online

Free Screen Capture Software

What Is Screen Capture?

It’s a way of taking a picture of your current screen and being able to edit it, make notes, changes and e-mail to people or colleagues. You can also capture screen video which is great for demonstrations or tutorials.


Get It Free Here!

To Your Success,


Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online.
There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently.
This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one.
For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit
You have permission to reproduce this article provided credit and link-back to this site is used.

3 Mistakes To Avoid Earning Money Online (Short Version)

You’re Either Going To Be Stupid or Ignorant

We are all ignorant, so don’t feel bad. Except after this video you will be stupid if you don’t put what I say into action. Mistakes are a natural part of learning, you just want to avoid the same mistakes!!! That is so important!! Don’t make the same mistakes all the time. lol

Build Your List

I am like a record on repeat…but your list is your asset! If you’re not properly optimizing your site to have your form show, offer the correct ethical reward and testing it, then you’re crazy!!

Spamming Social Media

As always, be careful how you approach social media. It is a strategy not a free-for-all free promotion tool. Although you will build a following you need to be smart about it. The only place I want to here about it, is because I have “Like” or “Followed” your business specific page.

Crappy Sales Messages

There is such a thing as “Over Selling” I have seen it with the best companies. People are saavy, treat them with respect. If you pump out affiliate promotions week after week, people will know and you won’t get high open rates and will have to find more and more new customers. You would also rather careful with what you promote 1 bad product can seriously damage your list and result in a massive amount of unsubscribers or even a bad reputation. So you want to give, give, give and then promote. Rinse and Repeat. Better yet, find out how often they want to hear from you regarding promos! Now go to your 3 different areas I just mentioned and see what you can tweak and make better.

To Your Success,


Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online.
There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently.
This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one.
For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit
You have permission to reproduce this article provided credit and link-back to this site is used.

Which Way Do You Use Social Media To Earn Money Online?

2 Ways You Can Use Social Media

The first is to make friends and the second way is to make money…Which have you been doing? It’s cool to make friends, absolutely, however there is a right way and wrong way to use social media to build your business and earn money online

The Wrong Way

You can break this down to a variety of different mistakes, but the easiest way to think of it is…are you promoting  to your friends or your market? If you’re promoting to your friends, stop that…If you’re promoting to your market, how often? Frequency is important! It’s key. The wrong way is really trying to make friends with social media rather than business or customers. Meaning a relationship is important, but adding your customers as “Friends” on Facebook is NOT what you want to do. Neither is promoting all your business stuff to your friends walls or profile. It should be via your Fan Page or dedicated market channel.

The Right Way

Create great unique content from the point of view of your customer and share it often through your social media. If its viral it will be awesome and picked up and spread like wild fire, which obviously will help you build your business bigger! You see a referral is ALWAYS worth 2-3 x more in bottom line profit. By this method you will be making money and building relationship through the correct social media channel (like a fan page, dedicated twitter channel etc)
If you’ve been doing this, then please make some corrections today and don’t feel bad, just make the change.

To Your Success,


Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online.
There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently.
This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one.
For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit
You have permission to reproduce this article provided credit and link-back to this site is used.

Earn Money From YouTube Advertising Now

Did You Know?

  • YouTube users upload the equivalent of 240,000 full length films each week
  • Over 3,000,000,000 (3 BILLION) Videos are viewed everyday
  • 320,000,000 are from mobile devices
  • Justin Bieber has over 1,571,213 dislikes on 4 videos hahaha
  • Youtube is Monetizing over 3 Billion Videos per week!

A Serious Secret Of Big Company Money

You need to think really seriously about getting on this band wagon. You can actually upload your own videos and have them show at the very top of search results for videos. THINK about how powerful that can be for your business. Especially since so many people are not even doing it!!!

What Do You Need To Do?

1. Simply go to YouTube and setup your account.
2. Upload your videos
3. “Promote” Your video
4. Select your keywords
4. Make sure your links are going to either build your list or to an affiliate promotion.

To Your Success,


Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online.
There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently.
This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one.
For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit
You have permission to reproduce this article provided credit and link-back to this site is used.

How To Use Free Webinars To Earn Money Online

 The “Freakin” Fantastic Strategy To Build Your Biz!

Webinar’s are online conferences, most people will be familiar of them these days. But just in case, they are simply a medium of engaging your market via a online seminar hosted by an outside service. You conduct a video or powerpoint presentation in which people can engage with you or you can present. Often you can sell something at the end. The best use of this method is to build your e-mail list, create content you can give (webinar replays) and sell products.

Free Or Paid Webinar Hosts?

There are MANY webinar providers. It depends on the level you want to go to, to be completely honest. Because you can pay quite high membership fees and if you’re only doing an occasional webinar, it may not be worth it and a free service (normally shows advertising in your webinar) is what you could use. Pro’s and con’s with both really.
Free Webinar Service 

New Model For Webinars You Must
Immediately Implement 

One incredible strategy you should implement is called an “Evergreen” webinar. This is simply a pre-recorded webinar you can have run WITHOUT your presence. But to the user, it looks brand new and  even shows a list of other people attending, giving it an authentic  feel. This means you can host 3 webinars per week, each one for 1 hour in length with a sales offer at the end and you don’t have to be there. You can simply focus on driving traffic, monitoring your sales versus advertising spent  and the people who register also help you build your e-mail list as well!
This is  a SUPER idea you should immediately implement, it could tie in perfectly for your upcoming product launch to.
Try This: AutoPilot Webinar $4.95 Automatic Webinar 14 Day Trial! 

To Your Success,


Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online.
There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently.
This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one.
For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit
You have permission to reproduce this article provided credit and link-back to this site is used.

How To Fire Your Boss Thanks To Earning Money Online

Want To Fire Your BOSS??!!

Most people are unhappy, sick and broke. They work for people they don’t like to work for doing a job they hate. By the way J.O.B stands for Just Over Broke. If that isn’t ever true! I have been in this position before and it sucks. Perhaps you have as well?

There Is A Way Out

BUT You’ve got to be willing to put a few hours aside every day for the next 2-5 years. Seriously. You thought I was going to say you could do this in a week and everything is different? Well, its unlikely. Why? Because your conditioned to do exactly what you’re doing now. If you’re broke its because that is what your conditioned to be, if you’re rich is the same thing. So chances are you’re unhappy with your results and want more…but thats OK because I want more and so should you.

Easiest Way To Start From Stuck?

Just do something different! Take your passion or interest and write a short book about it. Open up your Word document and start typing. Break down something you’re interested in, into chapters and make a book about it, try sell it on Ebay. Or sign up at Amazon as an affiliate and start writing a blog and occasionally review a product within your market with your affiliate link and get a referral fee or commission. The more popular your blog becomes the more money you will make.

It Won’t Happen By Accident

You may be raised to believe money doesn’t grow on…you probably just finished that sentence for me! But it proves my point on money conditioning. You are seriously going to have to make it happen and go through the ups and downs, trial and errors perhaps even…oh my god..SPEND MONEY to learn HOW TO EARN MONEY! Gee, but I wanted it all for free. Let me tell you something. The quickest way to learn is from people who know how to teach it.  I believe its called Investing, and you don’t invest to make money you invest to SEE if you can make money. There are no promises in anything, and if you’ve been told otherwise its a lie. The only thing you can go on is you’re determination and online business strategy.


The WORST thing you can do, is to quit your job BEFORE you’ve actually set yourself up. This is where most people fail and then say “oh it doesn’t work”…Nonsense..YOU didn’t work. If I can do it, you sure as heck can! You have to be smart, build your new income stream alongside your current job. Here is quick outline:

1. Have your essential needs taken care of (rent, food, basic bills)

2. Sacrifice your luxuries (new technology, eating out/buying food, movies, trips etc)

3. Put in your TIME. After hours. (Get up 1 hour earlier, stay up 1 hour later)

If you don’t do this, what will happen is you will put yourself or worse, your family at risk. Actually when you’re in a position of worry, doubt or fear you will not be able to be creative and will stifle your energy, thus not being able to make an money. And be in a negative position. Your friends and family who think you were crazy to begin with, will say “i told you so.” Be smart, start building yourself out of your job instead of firing your boss before you’ve actually got the sufficient income.

To Your Success,


Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online.
There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently.
This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one.
For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit
You have permission to reproduce this article provided credit and link-back to this site is used.

Avoid Internet Scams – Earn Money Online

Buyer Beware!

For some strange reason the Earn Money Online market is a haven for crappy products, internet scams and over-valued courses. I guess its just the nature of the apparent simplicity of being able to type a few words on your computer and turn it into some sort of cash machine. Or at least that idea. In the real world Online is the same as Offline despite the obvious differences. What I mean is, in the offline world a traditional business sells products at a market fair price in which people or the market set. If its the wrong price it won’t sell.

Products Must Deliver Value

“Under promise and over deliver”…or better yet, “give more than what people expect” they are forking over their hard earned cash which in turn creates a wonderful lifestyle for you. If your product helps people earn a return on their money or learn a skill then that product is fair, it should also be comprised of pricing options, bonuses, refund periods longer than 30 days and excellent customer service options. Obviously this is not a post about price points or offers, rather it’s about the more you charge the  better the results and skills people learn. Its quite basic. DELIVER ON WHAT YOU SAY YOU WILL.

It ALWAYS Catches Up With You

Regardless of your beliefs about life there is one law we are all accountable for that is as real as gravity. Cause and Effect. Also known as Karmic law, sowing and reaping, get back what you put out etc…This is as true in physics as it is in natural law. If you put out bad, you will get it back. If you put good out, you will get it back. So if you use products that are going to spam, black hat SEO, or rob people of their money you can be rest assured it will come back to you. It has to. It’s a law. This is why there is so much focus on delivering value and content to your customers, because its in harmony with real success.

How To Spot The Scams

If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. I am an optimist and tend to see the good in everything. Although many years in business has also helped me learn, often the hard way, that there is a lot of truth to this. You are not going to earn $1,000,000 in your first month online, or even $20,000. There are exceptions to this OF COURSE, but do you want to put your life on an exception? I don’t think so, I think you want to build a sustainable, profitable long term residual income? The other thing to be aware of is that most products that are cheap and state how you will make massive profits the next day or week and validate it with screen shots of their profits is a key sign of bullshit. Remember these people are SELLING their own products, meaning making profit from SALES not always the function of their product. The other thing is they have been in business for years and been through the seminars, paid the money to learn and already KNOW how to use Paid Advertising, which at a minimum is what you need to generate immediate results. Just THINK about it, its not all auto-pilot, however it appears and if it is, it still violates natural law – you cannot get something without nothing and that is not a business you can live off.

What Ever You Sell or Create Give Value & Be Transparent!

To Your Success,


Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online.
There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently.
This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one.
For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit
You have permission to reproduce this article provided credit and link-back to this site is used.

5 Ways To Build Your E-mail List

5 Ways To Build Your E-mail List

There is so much talk about building your “list.” Starting this process can be a bit tricky however with so much noise in the market. Overcome the noise by always adding value to your market place and find out what people want and give it to them.

Why Do You Want An E-mail List Anyway?

Your e-mail list is your one true asset. You see, affiliate account can close, products can change, traffic sources can dry up or even worse…Your website or blog can totally disappear if Google or a search engine change their algorithm, and this DOES happen every few years. Seeing as though you are building an online business, you want your website or blog to be visible and visited 10 years from now. We want our list just in case the worse thing happens, but also so we can build relationships with our list (and remove unwanted people from our business) and importantly add value to their lives whilst making a profit.  The list is the best way to do all of this.

So, How Do I Build My List?

There are 5 ways, and more, you can build your list. Some of these you may already be doing, so you may not. It would be great if you employ these 5 free tips to building your e-mail list:

1. Offer

I call this an “ethical reward” not a “ethical bribe”…you WANT people to WANT to be on your list, not beg them. What value are you going to share for free in exchange for their e-mail address? There can be many, many different cool things. It is also market dependant. You may be able to offer something very different to the next person. Which reminds me, look at what the market leaders are giving and see what you can do better.

2.  Paid & Free Traffic

Traffic is your lifeblood and you must TEST all of your traffic sources so you know which ones work best and use those. Paid Traffic & Free Traffic should be part of your biz model, hint hint…you should have a biz model! Paid traffic is wide and varied but also changes with time so you must keep up to date with how Facebook or Google changes effect your marketing efforts, not to mention bottom line. Free traffic can be instant, but its more of a long term strategy you will want to incorporate – after all who doesn’t want FREE TRAFFIC?!

3. Product

Surprisingly, this idea scares many people. I know it did at first for me. This is purely because we often make this idea harder than what it really is in our own mind. Products can be as simple as an E-book you write on Word and save as a PDF, then sell on Amazon! There are many, many types of products you can make. Ideally you want to find out what the market wants in a profitable niche first.

4. Affiliates Selling Your Product

After creating your product you can sell it yourself or choose to have a website like Clickbank or Rapbank, who have an army of affiliates already to serve you. Of course CB will take 7% commission, but its worth it if you don’t have the resources available. Think about this…would you prefer to have 100 people selling your product or yourself? Obvious choice, so get creating!

5. Offline

Now, you may be a hermit or not engaged in the outside world any more due to your global online business (think big baby) but offline is the BEST way to network. In fact its how you will meet the up and coming and already established in your market and you want to be friends with them. In the internet marketing world most of gurus met at conferences and that is why they work with each other. Start collecting business cards and build a relationship first by asking if YOU can do anything for them first.

Now, It’s Your Turn

Implement these strategies into your business right now.

To Your Success,


Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online.
There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently.
This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one.
For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit
You have permission to reproduce this article provided credit and link-back to this site is used.

What Is Earning Money Online All About?

What Is This Blog All About?

I decided to put this site together to help you gain an education and understanding about the principles behind earning money online. You see, earning money online is a result of you building a business and providing service to people. It has nothing to do with internet scam products, spamming or any other black hat methods. It’s ALL about value creating and building relationships with your customers so you can help improve their life and in turn improve your own life.

Can I Earn Money Online?

The answer is an absolute YES!! There are very few business in the world that offer you the incredible chance to make money in almost every market in every location – globally! This is what is so attractive to people. Earning money from home or whilst on holiday from their mobile device or laptop. You too can be a part of this.

What To Expect From Now?

From me? Well if you’re on my e-mail list you will get the secrets, hints and tips first hand from myself and from the legends in this industry. From the earn money online market place, you should expect many offers to buy things, but if you educated yourself your going to know what to buy and what not to. (How to avoid scams)
Expect to spend money and invest in yourself. Expect to learn from the many mistakes you will make. Understand you will spend money on advertising and it not pay off.
Expect to earn money. Expect to build a profitable business IF your prepared to put the work in. It doesn’t come for free! Be prepared to put the effort in and be smart.

To Your Success,


Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online.
There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently.
This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one.
For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit
You have permission to reproduce this article provided credit and link-back to this site is used.