Category Archives: E-mail Marketing

Marketing To Your Customers & Earn Money Online

F.I.G.J.A.M? Tune In To W.I.I.F.M Now!

Freak I’m Good, Just Ask Me! They don’t really care about YOU or Your Business!
Your customers are ONLY interested in Whats In It For Me! Start tuning into your customers and what they want.

Key To Your Profits

They real key to you exponentially growing your income online is tuning into your customers most pressing concerns and problems and creating solutions in the way of products to help them. This is also referred to as Niche Marketing. Selecting profitable niches, of course, is then the real trick in all of this as not all markets, and certainly not all products, are created equal.

Guess or Test?

I always say Amateurs Guess and Professionals Test. Meaning you must first find out what problems your customers are experiencing via surveys, research, other popular products that are selling and then find a way for you to reach them. You can create your own product or sell one as an affiliate. But in both cases you are going to need to shine a big ass spot light on the problem they are facing and how you can solve it. You will also need to test your product, test your traffic sources, your pricing etc.

The First Place To Finding Customers

1. Surveys

2. Market Research (

3. Ask People In Your Market or At Events

4. Other Best Sellers In Market

3 Ways To Finding Profitable Markets

1. Best Sellers on Amazon or E-Bay

2. Sell Affiliate Products Yourself & Then Create Your Own Similar Product Just Better

3. Over 100,000 Combined Keyword Search Terms (Use Google Keyword Tool)

Now, all you need to do is DO one of them and go an put some advertising or blog power behind it! Good luck!

To Your Success,


Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online.
There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently.
This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one.
For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit
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Nobody Wants To Be On Your E-mail List! How To Fix & Earn Money Online!

Aww..Why Doesn’t Anyone Join My Newsletter?

Because we all get way too much junk mail and e-mails. Period. Now aside from the 10% of people who may actually want to be on your e-mail list for your newsletter/insights that is not really the type of statistic you really want to bank on. Even then those people will result in lower sales because you’re not understanding the fundamentals of internet sales. Content Is King!

 The Million $$$ Difference.

By you offering bonuses from the outset, its like shouting a friend or potential girlfriend on the first date to a 5 star dinner. You are setting the scene for what you’re all about.
Content, class, giver, not a tight ass. lol
You also make more profit because your paid advertising efforts are lowered from more people getting on your list and increasing your bottom line sales…Why? Because like the date, you start off GIVING content and people trust you more straight up! It’s basic human behaviour, so you start off on the best foot.

What Can I Do Right Now?

You can start by figuring out an “ethial reward” not bribe. Bribes are not what you want to say or act from. Create killer offers that people can’t say no to! I had a client who offered 8 BONUSES just go get on his list! These ranged from e-books to audios – it converted like crazy. People couldn’t say no, obviously some people did, but I can promise you he had MORE people on his list than  a “subscribe to my newsletter offer”…Can you see the difference?
So now you need  to figure out or create content and put it in a clear way that people want to be on your list.

To Your Success,


Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online.
There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently.
This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one.
For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit
You have permission to reproduce this article provided credit and link-back to this site is used.

5 Ways To Build Your E-mail List

5 Ways To Build Your E-mail List

There is so much talk about building your “list.” Starting this process can be a bit tricky however with so much noise in the market. Overcome the noise by always adding value to your market place and find out what people want and give it to them.

Why Do You Want An E-mail List Anyway?

Your e-mail list is your one true asset. You see, affiliate account can close, products can change, traffic sources can dry up or even worse…Your website or blog can totally disappear if Google or a search engine change their algorithm, and this DOES happen every few years. Seeing as though you are building an online business, you want your website or blog to be visible and visited 10 years from now. We want our list just in case the worse thing happens, but also so we can build relationships with our list (and remove unwanted people from our business) and importantly add value to their lives whilst making a profit.  The list is the best way to do all of this.

So, How Do I Build My List?

There are 5 ways, and more, you can build your list. Some of these you may already be doing, so you may not. It would be great if you employ these 5 free tips to building your e-mail list:

1. Offer

I call this an “ethical reward” not a “ethical bribe”…you WANT people to WANT to be on your list, not beg them. What value are you going to share for free in exchange for their e-mail address? There can be many, many different cool things. It is also market dependant. You may be able to offer something very different to the next person. Which reminds me, look at what the market leaders are giving and see what you can do better.

2.  Paid & Free Traffic

Traffic is your lifeblood and you must TEST all of your traffic sources so you know which ones work best and use those. Paid Traffic & Free Traffic should be part of your biz model, hint hint…you should have a biz model! Paid traffic is wide and varied but also changes with time so you must keep up to date with how Facebook or Google changes effect your marketing efforts, not to mention bottom line. Free traffic can be instant, but its more of a long term strategy you will want to incorporate – after all who doesn’t want FREE TRAFFIC?!

3. Product

Surprisingly, this idea scares many people. I know it did at first for me. This is purely because we often make this idea harder than what it really is in our own mind. Products can be as simple as an E-book you write on Word and save as a PDF, then sell on Amazon! There are many, many types of products you can make. Ideally you want to find out what the market wants in a profitable niche first.

4. Affiliates Selling Your Product

After creating your product you can sell it yourself or choose to have a website like Clickbank or Rapbank, who have an army of affiliates already to serve you. Of course CB will take 7% commission, but its worth it if you don’t have the resources available. Think about this…would you prefer to have 100 people selling your product or yourself? Obvious choice, so get creating!

5. Offline

Now, you may be a hermit or not engaged in the outside world any more due to your global online business (think big baby) but offline is the BEST way to network. In fact its how you will meet the up and coming and already established in your market and you want to be friends with them. In the internet marketing world most of gurus met at conferences and that is why they work with each other. Start collecting business cards and build a relationship first by asking if YOU can do anything for them first.

Now, It’s Your Turn

Implement these strategies into your business right now.

To Your Success,


Vaughan Liddicoat has been helping “newbie” to multi-million dollar companies earn money online.
There’s no trick to it, you’ve just got to apply the simple and easy to learn principles consistently.
This is a business and if you treat it like a hobby it will pay you like one.
For more secret hints & tips to help you earn money online simply visit
You have permission to reproduce this article provided credit and link-back to this site is used.